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Lecture Notes

1 Introduction, autoregression moving average (ARMA) processes, covariances (PDF)
2 Limit theorems, ordinary least squares, and heteroscedasticity autocorrelation-consistent (HAC) (PDF)
3 More HAC and introduction to spectrum (PDF)
4 Spectrum: review, Cramer's representation, filtering (PDF)
5 Spectrum estimation and information criteria (PDF)
6 Introduction to vector autoregression (VAR): Wold decomposition theorem (PDF)
7 VARs: notation and linear algebra, estimation, Granger causality, reporting results (PDF)
8 Bootstrap (PDF)
9 Structural VARs (PDF)
10 Factor models (PDF)
11 Factor models (cont.) (PDF)
12 Empirical processes: functional central limit theorem, applying to time series (PDF)
13 Unit roots (PDF)
14 More non-stationarity (PDF)
15 Breaks and cointegration (PDF)
16 Cointegration: multi-dimensional random walk, regression, estimating cointegration relation (PDF)
17 Cointegration: estimating cointegration relationships, VAR with cointegration (PDF)
18 Generalized method of moments (GMM) (PDF)
19 Simulated method of moments and indirect inference (PDF)
20 Filtering: state-space models, Kalman filtering (PDF)
21 Maximum likelihood and Kalman filter (PDF)
22 Maximum likelihood (ML) and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) (PDF)
23 Reasons to be Bayesian (PDF)
24 More Bayesian metrics: point estimation, testing, ordinary least squares (PDF)
25 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC): acceptance-rejection method, Markov chains (PDF)
26 MCMC: Gibbs sampling, data augmentation, state-space model, joining Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings (PDF)