Lecture Notes

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1 Introduction and Coordinate Systems (PDF)
2 Definitions of the Types of Latitude and Longitude; Mathematical Relationship Between These and Cartesian XYZ; Motion of the Rotation Axis which Effects Determination of Latitude and Longitude (PDF)
3 Height Definitions, Methods for Determining Heights, Spirit Leveling and Trigonometric Leveling; Geoid Heights and their Determination (PDF)
4 Spherical Trigonometry. Derivations and Examples on How to Use (PDF)
5 Determination of Latitude and Longitude using Astronomical Methods (PDF)
6 Almanacs in both Paper and Electronic Forms (PDF)

Dead Reckoning and Sextants. The Following Web Sites are Used in the Notes. (PDF)
The Road to the Magnetic North Pole
Field Lines for a Magnetic Dipole
North Magnetic Pole
Coastal Piloting for Boat Crew and AuxNav
Presentations & Advanced Coastal Navigation Student Study Guide

8 Sextant Measurements (PDF)
9 Review of Linear Algebra Covering Vectors and Matrices, Solving Linear Equations, Vector Spaces, Eigenvalues and Vectors, Rotation Matrices (PDF)
10 Examined HW 02 Solution and the Non-Linear Model that can be Used to Represent the Measurements Taken (PDF)
11 Map Projections of Different Types and the Mathematics Behind Some Projections (PDF
Web Pages Used in Class:
Map Projection Overview
USGS - Science for a Changing World
Round Earth, Flat Maps
Map Projection
12 Statistics and Propagation of Variance-Covariance Matrices (PDF)
13 Estimation of Over-Determined, Nearly Linear Systems Including Least and Weighted Least Squares (PDF)
14 Finish Estimation with Sequential Estimation and Error Ellipses; Examine Correlations Between Random Time Series (The Time Series and Correlation Values Plotted in this Lecture were generated with cross.f) (PDF)
15 Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM). Conventional Instruments and Theory of their Operation (PDF)
16 GPS Pseudo-range Measurements and Basic Principals of GPS. We also use the MATLAB® code GPSSim.m and xcor.m in this class (PDF)
17 GPS Signal Tracking, Orbit Geometry, Specific Signal Structure, Phase Measurements and Data (PDF)
18 GPS Pseudo Range and Phase Measurements, Basic Processing Methods, Dilution of Precision Measures (PDF)
19 Review HW 4. Atmosphere Delay Effects (PDF)
20 Ionosphere and Dispersive GPS Delay Correction (Dual Frequency Ionospheric Delay Corrections) (PDF)
Informal class of Question and Answers. No lecture notes for this class
21 Satellite Orbit Representation and Sources of Information about Orbits (PDF)
22 Basics of Hand Held GPS Receivers (PDF)
Class outside using GPS
23 Applications of GPS (PDF)