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Three sets of brain scans from a young adult given a placebo (top) and two different doses of methylphenidate (bottom), showing the ability of methylphenidate to block the transporter "gates" by which the brain chemical dopamine returns to its home cell after sending a pleasure signal. (Image courtesy of the Brookhaven National Laboratory.)
Prof. Peter Dedon
Prof. Steven Tannenbaum
Fall 2005
This course covers the chemical and biological analysis of the metabolism and distribution of drugs, toxins and chemicals in animals and humans, and the mechanism by which they cause therapeutic and toxic responses. Metabolism and toxicity as a basis for drug development is also covered.
Dedon, Peter, and Steven Tannenbaum. 20.201 Mechanisms of Drug Actions, Fall 2005. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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