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dc.contributor.authorHouk, Carole S.
dc.contributor.authorRowe, Mary P.
dc.contributor.authorKatz, Deborah A.
dc.contributor.authorKatz, Neil H.
dc.contributor.authorMarx, Lauren
dc.contributor.authorHedeen, Timothy
dc.description.abstractThis Report outlines a mixed method research project that provides a comparative analysis of federal ombuds offices. The study utilizes a multi-stage approach, which includes four distinct and complementary elements: 1) a literature review and survey methodology (online surveys, interviews, and collection of program materials) across all federal ombuds offices; 2) a case study methodology to highlight promising practices; 3) a standards of practice policy discussion and a legal analysis relevant to the creation and operation of federal ombuds offices, and 4) recommendations offered both by surveyed participants and by the Research Team. The study is designed to help differentiate existing federal ombuds programs and practice, identify consistencies across ombuds offices, develop a framework for comparative evaluation, and identify promising practices. The results will provide an empirical basis for examining the shape and development of federal ombudsmen since ACUS’ Recommendation 90-2, and will inform the development of a new recommendation contained herein.en_US
dc.publisherAdministrative Conference of the United Statesen_US
dc.subjectfederal ombudsmen, federal ombuds, U.S. government, federal agencies, constituents, analytic ombudsmen, organizational ombudsmen, Whistleblower Protection ombudsmen, advocate ombudsmen, external ombudsmenen_US
dc.titleA Reappraisal — The Nature and Value of Ombudsmen in Federal Agencies, Part 2: Research Report.en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
dc.identifier.citationCarole S. Houk, Mary P. Rowe, Deborah A. Katz, Neil H. Katz, Lauren Marx, and Timothy Hedeen, "A Reappraisal — The Nature and Value of Ombudsmen in Federal Agencies, Part 2: Research Report," in Final Report to ACUS for Conference Consideration, November 14, 2016.en_US

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