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Readings in the table below are primarily from the course text:

Buy at Amazon Kandel, Eric R., James H. Schwartz, and Thomas M. Jessell, eds. Principles of Neural Science. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division, 2000. ISBN: 9780838577011.

1 Introduction to the Nervous System Kandel. Chapters 1 and 2.
2 Membrane Channels and Signaling Kandel. Chapter 6.
3 Ionic basis of the Resting Potential Kandel. Chapter 7.
4 Action Potential I Kandel. Chapter 9.
5 Action Potential II  
6 Neurons as Conductors: Propagation of the Action Potential Kandel. Chapter 8.
7 Electrical and Chemical Synaptic Transmission Kandel. Chapter 10.
8 Mechanisms of Transmitter Release at Synapses Kandel. Chapters 11 and 14.
9 Indirect Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission Kandel. Chapters 12 and 13.
10 Biochemistry of Synaptic Transmission Kandel. Chapter 15.
11 Learning and Memory I Kandel. Chapter 62.
12 Learning and Memory II Kandel. Chapter 63.
13 From Genes to Structure to Behavior Kandel. Chapters 3 and 17.
14 Nervous System Development I Kandel. Chapter 52.
15 Nervous System Development II Kandel. Chapter 53.
16 Axon Guidance I Kandel. Chapter 54.
17 Synapse Formation Kandel. Chapter 55.
18 Fine-Tuning Synaptic Connections Kandel. Chapter 56.
19 Vision I Kandel. Chapter 25.
20 Vision II Kandel. Chapter 26
21 Hearing Kandel. Chapters and 30 and 31.
22 Olfaction and Other Sensory Systems Kandel. Chapter 32.
23 Pain and Thermoreception Kandel. Chapters 22 and 24.
24 Higher Order Cognitive Function Kandel. Chapters 60 and 61.