This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at



1 Introduction to the Nervous System  
2 Membrane Channels and Signaling  
3 Ionic basis of the Resting Potential  
4 Action Potential I  
5 Action Potential II  
6 Neurons as Conductors: Propagation of the Action Potential Problem set 1 due
7 Electrical and Chemical Synaptic Transmission  
8 Mechanisms of Transmitter Release at Synapses  
9 Indirect Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission  
10 Biochemistry of Synaptic Transmission Problem set 2 due
11 Learning and Memory I  
12 Learning and Memory II  
13 From Genes to Structure to Behavior  
14 Nervous System Development I  
15 Nervous System Development II  
16 Axon Guidance I  
17 Synapse Formation  
18 Fine-Tuning Synaptic Connections  
19 Vision I  
20 Vision II  
21 Hearing Problem set 3 due
22 Olfaction and Other Sensory Systems  
23 Pain and Thermoreception  
24 Higher Order Cognitive Function  
  Final Exam