Assignment 1
Topics for the 10-minute presentation about acyclic isoprenoids as biomarkers.
- acyclic isoprenoid biosynthesis
- what are the oldest acyclic isoprenoid fossils
- acyclic isoprenoids in contemporary algae
- acyclic isoprenoids derived from plants
- acyclic isoprenoids derived from Bacteria
- acyclic isoprenoids from metazoa
Assignment 2
Topics for the 10-minute presentation revolve around the broad topic of bacterial hopanoids. Choose from, but do not be limited to
- hopanoid biosynthesis
- isotopic compositions of bacteriohopanoids
- diagenesis of hopanoids in anoxic environments
- hopanoid stereochemistry
- hopanoids as paleoenvironmental proxies
- distinctions between bio- and geo- hopanoids
Assignment 3
For the 10-minute per person discussion choose from the following or invent your own:
- Sterols a membrane components
- Sterols as signalling molecules
- Steroid biosynthesis as an oxygen sensor
- Animal sterols
- Sterol biosynthesis in invertebrates
- Sterols of fungi
- Steranes as proxies for paleoenvironment