Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering
As taught in: Spring 2006

S. cerevisiae shown budding (top) and bound to CdS (bottom). (Image by Belcher lab. Used with permission.)
Prof. Bevin Engelward
Prof. Drew Endy
Dr. Natalie Kuldell
Dr. Neal Lerner
Prof. Angela M. Belcher
Dr. Atissa Banuazizi
MIT Course Number:
Course Description
This course introduces experimental biochemical and molecular techniques from a quantitative engineering perspective. Rigorous quantitative data collection, statistical analysis, and conceptual understanding of instrumentation design and application form the underpinnings of this course. The four discovery based modules include DNA Engineering, Protein Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Biomaterials Engineering. Additional information is available on the course Wiki (hosted on OpenWetWare.)
Teaching Fellows
Reshma Shetty
Maria Foley
Eileen Higham
Yoon Sung Nam