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The schedule below indicates how the online lecture notes, which are tied to chapters in the instructor's book "Introduction to Transportation Systems," can be used in a full semester course.  Duration of the twice-weekly class sessions should be an hour and a half. The PDF following each title is a set of slides the author created for use in the lectures. To present the slides, save them to your computer, then open them in the Adobe Reader.  Typing "Control-L" in Windows, or "Command-L" on a Macintosh will provide a full-screen view suitable for use with a projector.

1 1 1--Introduction: Context, Concepts and Characterization (PDF) Start of Block I: Introduction/Philosophy/Basic Transportation Systems Concepts
2 2--Transportation System Components: An Internal Perspective (PDF)
3--Transportation System Components: An External Perspective (PDF)
2 3 4--The Customer and  Level-of-Service (PDF)
4 5--Networks (PDF)
3 5 6--Transportation Systems: Key Points 1-10 (PDF)
6 7--Transportation Systems: Key Points 11-17 (PDF)
4 7 8--Transportation Systems: Key Points 18-24 (PDF)
8 9--Transportation Systems: Key Points 25-30 (PDF)
5 9 10--Models and Frameworks (PDF)
10 11--Modeling Concepts (PDF)
6 11 12--The Logistics System and Freight Level-of-Service (PDF) Start of Block II: Freight Transportation
12 13--Railroads: Introductory Concepts (PDF)
7 13 14--Railroad Operations (PDF)
14 15--Railroad Terminals: P-MAKE Analysis to Predict Network Performance (PDF)
8 15 16--Car Costs and Level-of-Service (PDF)
16 17--The Kwon Model--Power, Freight Car Fleet Size, and Service Priorities: A Simulation Application (PDF)
18--Measuring Origin-Destination Service and Other Rail Issues (PDF)
9 17 19--Trucking (PDF)
18 20--Ocean Shipping, International Freight, and Freight Summary (PDF)
10 19 21--Traveler Transportation: Introduction (PDF) Start of Block III: Traveler Transportation
20 22--Commuting, non-work travel and Safety, and Some Transportation History (PDF)
11 21 23--Traveler Level-of-Service (PDF)
22 24--Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) (PDF)
25--The Urban Transportation Planning Process and Real-Time  Network Control (PDF)
Chapters 24 and 25 to be split between lectures 22 and 23 at instructor's discretion.
12 23 24--Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) (PDF)
25--The Urban Transportation Planning Process and Real-Time  Network Control (PDF)
Chapters 24 and 25 to be split between lectures 22 and 23 at instructor's discretion.
24 26--Traffic Signals and Other Control Measures (PDF)
27--Deterministic Queuing (PDF)
13 25 28--Urban Public Transportation (PDF)
26 29--Intercity Traveler Transportation: Air (PDF)
14 27 30--Intercity Traveler Transportation: Rail (PDF)
28 Summary (PDF) Block IV: Summary
These slides cover major ideas from the course, and should be supplemented with other materials presented by the instructor.