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Allende, Isabel. The House of the Spirits. New York: Bantam, 1986.

Spooner, Mary Helen. Soldiers in a Narrow Land: The Pinochet Regime in Chile. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994, pp. 1-5, 56-77, 83-104, 113-159, 163-267.

Winn, Peter. Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean. 2nd ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.

Additional Readings

Additional articles on "Pinochet case" as appropriate.

Berquist, Charles. "Waging War and Negotiating Peace: The Contemporary Crisis in Historical Perspective." In Violence in Colombia, 1990-2000: Waging War and Negotiating Peace. Edited by Charles Berquist, Ricardo Peñarda, and Gonzalo Sánchez G. Wilmington, DE: SR Books, 2001, pp. 195-212.

Burdick, John. "Rethinking the Study of Social Movements: The Case of Christian Base Communities in Urban Brazil." In The Making of Social Movements in Latin America. Edited by Arturo Escobar, and Sonia Alvarez. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1992, pp. 171-84.

Camp, Roderic Ai. Politics in Mexico: The Decline of Authoritarianism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 21-52, 179-205.

Cragan, Margaret, and Peter Smith. "The State of Revolution in the Americas." In The Americas: New Interpretative Essays. Edited by Alfred Stepan. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 79-102.

Frank, André Gunder. "The Development of Underdevelopment." In Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America. Edited by Peter F. Klaren, and Thomas J. Bossert. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1986, pp. 111-23.

Haber, Steven. "Assessing the Obstacles to Industrialization: The Mexican Economy, 1830-1940." Journal of Latin American Studies 24 (1) (February 1992): 1-32.

Hartlyn, Jonathan. "Colombia: The Politics of Violence and Accommodation." In Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America. Edited by Larry Diamond, Juan J. Linz, and Seymour Martin Lipset. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1989, pp. 291-334.

Holston, James. "The Misrule of Law: Land and Usurpation in Brazil." Comparative Studies in Society and History  33 (4) (October 1991): 695-725.

Holston, James, and Teresa P. R. Caldeira. "Democracy, Law, and Violence: The Disjunctions of Brazilian Citizenship." In Fault lines of democracy in post-transition Latin America. Edited by Felipe Aguero, and Jeffrey Stark. Coral Gables, FL: North-South Center Press/University of Miami; Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.

Hoskin, Gary, and Gabriel Murillo-Castano. "Can Colombia Cope?" Journal of Democracy 10 (1) (January 1999): 36-50.

Huntington, Samuel P. "The Torturer Problem," and "The Praetorian Problem." In The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991, pp. 211-51.

Karl, Terry, and Philippe C. Schmitter. "What Democracy is…and is Not." Journal of Democracy 2 (3) (Summer 1991): 75-86.

Klaren, Peter F. "Lost Promise: Explaining Latin American Underdevelopment." In Promise of Development: Theories of Change in Latin America. Edited by Peter F. Klaren, and Thomas J. Bossert. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1986, pp. 3-33.

Krauze, Enrique. Mexico: Biography of Power: A History of Modern Mexico, 1810-1996. New York: HarperPerennial, 1997, pp. 549-557, 543-45.

Lawson, Chappell. "Mexico's Unfinished Transition: Democratization and Authoritarian Enclaves in Mexico." Estudios Mexicanos/Mexican Studies. Summer 2000.

Lembel, Pedro. "Soccer and Devotion in the Barrios of Santiago." NACLA Report on the Americas 32 (1) (July/August 1998): 36-43.

Levine, Daniel H., and Scott Mainwaring. "Religion and Popular Protest in Latin America." In Power and Popular Protest. Edited by Susan Eckstein. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989, pp. 203-40.

Márquez, Gabriel García. "Big Mama’s Funeral." (Short story, 1962) In No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories. Translated by J. S. Bernstein. New York: Harper Colophone, 1979, pp. 153-70.

Mendez, Juan E. "Accountability for Past Abuses." Human Rights Quarterly 19(2) (May 1997): 255-82.

Moulian, Tomas. "Report on Chile: The Arrest and the Aftermath." NACLA Report on the Americas 32 (6) (May/June 1999): 12-17.

Santos, Teodoro dos. "The Structure of Dependence." The American Economic Review 60 (2) (May 1970): 231-6.

Valenzuela, Arturo. "Chile: Origins, Consolidation, and Breakdown of a Democratic Regime." In Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America. Edited by Larry Diamond, Juan Linz, and Seymour Martin Lipset. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1989, pp. 194-240.