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In this course, the central nervous system is studied through its development. Through this approach, we hope to understand how the central nervous system wires itself, how diseases affect that wiring, and the deficits resulting from disease or the perturbation of development.

This course considers molecular control of neural specification, formation of neuronal connections, construction of neural systems, and the contributions of experience to shaping brain structure and function. Topics include: neural induction and pattern formation, cell lineage and fate determination, neuronal migration, axon guidance, synapse formation and stabilization, activity-dependent development and critical periods, development of behavior.


50 minute lecture
20 minute presentation of research article (Topic 1) by student
10 minute discussion
20 minute presentation of research article (Topic 2) by student
10 minute discussion

Exam and Grades

Each student will be expected to present two topics during the semester. Each presentation will constitute 20% of final grade (40% total).

Undergraduate students:
Final exam will include material from all reading lists, except additional reading list.

Graduate students:
Final exam will include material from all reading lists.

Graduate students are expected to contribute to discussion with material from additional reading list.

Analysis and presentation of related research papers is required for graduate credit.