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The readings listed below provide the foundation of this course. Click on the links to view abstracts for the journal articles, where available. Readings are arranged by topic. While there is no assigned textbook for the course, three textbooks are listed for further study.


Suggested Textbooks

Cowan, W. Maxwell, Jessell, Thomas M., and Zipursky, S. Lawrence. Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. Oxford University Press, 1997.

Sanes, Dan H., Reh, Thomas A., and Harris, William A. Development of the Nervous System. Academic Press, 2000.

Zigmond, Michael J., Bloom, Floyd E., Landis, Story, Roberts, James L., and Squire, Larry R. Fundamental Neuroscience.  Academic Press, 1999.

Required Reading


2. Neural Induction
3. Establising the CNS Anterior/Posterior Axis
4. Hox Genes and Segmental Organization of the Hindbrain and Spinal Cord
5. The Spinal Cord Dorsal/Ventral Axis
6. Regionalization of the Embryonic Midbrain and Forebrain
7. Lineage Studies
8. Neural Crest
9. Progression from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Signals of Cell Fate Livesey, F. J., and C. L. Cepko. "Vertebrate neural cell-fate determination: lessons from the retina." Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2 (2001): 109-118.
10. Stem Cells
11. Asymmetric Cell Division
12. Neuronal Migration 1: Radial vs. Tangential Movement
13. Cell Death
14. Growth Factors
15. Axon Guidance 1: Cues, Receptors, and Downstream Signalling Pathways
16. Axon Guidance 2: Cues, Receptors, and Downstream Signalling Pathways
17. Map Formation 1: The Retinotectal System - Chemical and Molecular Gradients
18. Neuronal Migration 2: Long Distance Travel
19. Map Formation 2: The Olfactory System - Representing Smells in the Brain
20. Cortical Regionalization: Specification of Cerebral Cortical Areas
21. Activity Dependent Development 1: The Visual and Auditory Systems
22. Activity Dependent Development 2: Plasticity Genes
23. Synapse Formation