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9.18 Developmental Neurobiology, Spring 2003

Coronal sections of brain depicting cortical plasticity gene expression during development.

Coronal sections of brain depicting cortical plasticity gene expression during development. (Corey C. Harwell)

Highlights of this Course

This course features an extensive reading list that spans the topic of developmental neuroscience at the molecular level.

Course Description

This course considers molecular control of neural specification, formation of neuronal connections, construction of neural systems, and the contributions of experience to shaping brain structure and function. Topics include: neural induction and pattern formation, cell lineage and fate determination, neuronal migration, axon guidance, synapse formation and stabilization, activity-dependent development and critical periods, development of behavior.



Prof. Elly Nedivi

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
2 hours / session


Undergraduate / Graduate


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