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1.1 Voluntary Private Provision of Public Goods and Private Charity

1.2 Efficient Public Goods Provision

Bergstrom, T., L. Blume, and H. Varian. "On the Private Provision of Public Goods."
2 1.3 Income Tax Deduction of Charitable Donations Diamond, P. "Optimal Tax Treatment of Private Contributions for Public Goods with and without Warm Glow Preferences."

Continued, and

Introduction to Estate Tax -- Atkinson Stiglitz

4 2.1.2 Annuities Brown, J., and J. Poterba. "Joint Life Annuities and the Demand for Annuities by Married Couples."

Davidoff, T., J. Brown, and P. Diamond. "Annuities and Individual Welfare."

5 2.3 Bequest Motivation and Estate Taxes

Gale, W. G., and J. B. Slemrod. "We Tax Dead People."

Kopczuk, W. "Optimal Estate Taxation in the Steady State?"

6 3.1. Social Insurance Theory

Diamond, P. "A Framework for Social Security Analysis."

Weizsaecker, J. von. "Hayek's Obvious Corollary."

7 3.2 Within Cohort Theoretical Models Diamond, P. "Models of Optimal Retirement Incentives with Varying Life Expectancy." Chap. 7 in Taxation, Incomplete Markets and Social Security.
8 Continued
9 3.5. Social Security in OLG Growth Models Feldstein, M. "The Optimal Level of Social Security Benefits."
10 Dutta, J., S. Kapur, and M. Orszag. " A Portfolio Approach to the Optimal Funding of Pensions."
11 3.3 Social Security, Saving, and Benefit Adequacy Issues
12 3.4 Social Security and Labor Supply
13 3.6 Social Security Reform: Overview and Political Economy
14 4.1 Unemployment Insurance -- Theory

Davidson, C., and S. Woodbury. "The Optimal Dole with Risk Aversion and Job Destruction."

Conerly, W. B. "Chile Leads the Way with Individual Unemployment Accounts."

15 4.2 Unemployment Insurance
16 4.3 Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Comp
17 Disability Insurance
18 Welfare/Transfer Policy
19 Welfare/Transfer Policy (continued)
20 Disability Insurance Theory Diamond, P., and E. Sheshinski. "Economic Aspects of Optimal Disability Benefits."
21 Government Intervention in Health Insurance Markets
22 Government Intervention in Health Insurance Markets