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LAB 9: Intonation Labelling OR Factors Affecting Duration

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Lab 9A. Intonation Labelling

The main purpose of this laboratory is to become familiar with a transcription system for labelling prosody.

Here are the resources that you will need:

Lab 9 handout (PDF)


You will use a set of pre-recorded utterances that are stored in the labc account:

  • Utterances 3-10 in ~labc/prosodylab2/lcorn.16k
  • "Maine" utterances located in ~labc/prosodylab1

If you do not have access to the labc account, you can download the utterances for this lab.

The Tools

  • xwaves - used for spectrum and waveform analysis (UNIX®/Linux®)
  • ToBI training manual in ~prosody/TOBI-TRAINING/labelling_guide_v3.ASCII
  • ToBI training examples in ~prosody/TOBI-TRAINING/EXAMPLES/* (~15Mb)

If you do not have access to the Speech Group UNIX/Linux system, you can download the ToBI training manual ©1993 OSU and the ToBI training examples can be obtained by visiting

Reference Readings

  • Selkirk. Summary of Pierrehumbert's (1980) Grammar of Intonation. 1984.
  • Appendix A of the online TOBI-TRAINING manual; the file is in /usr/users/prosody/TOBI-TRAINING and is called the labelling-guide.

Lab 9B. Factors affecting duration

The main purpose of this laboratory is to analyse the effect of vowel tenseness and the effect of the voicing value of a following stop consonant on the duration of the vowel.

Here are the resources that you will need:

Lab 9 handout (PDF)


  • In the directory ~labc/prosodylab2 of the labc account, you will use the word sets:
    • fat fad fade
    • cup cub coop
    • pick pig peak
    • men main mate
    • tuck tug take
  • for the two speakers, bc and rk.
  • These utterances are in the formats .sd and .wav.

If you do not have access to the labc account, you can download the utterances for this lab.

The Tools

You will need one of the following analysis tools:

  • xwaves - used for spectrum and waveform analysis (UNIX®/Linux®)
  • xkl - used for spectrum and waveform analysis (UNIX®/Linux®)

Reference Readings
