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LAB 12: Interpretation of Cineradiographic Motion Pictures of Selected Utterances

Labs: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

RealOne™ Player software is required to run the .ram files in this section. Microsoft® Word software is recommended for viewing the .doc files in this section. Free Microsoft® Word viewer software can also be used to view the .doc files.

The main purpose of this laboratory is to study articulatory correlates of phonetic features through observations on cineradiographic motion pictures.

Here are the resources you will need:

Lab 12 handout (PDF)

Instructions for Making Tracings from the KNS Cineradiograph (PDF)


  • Digital Video of the original films (RAM)
  • Still images from video (.gif files)

If you do not attend the labs, you can download sample still images for this lab.

The Tools

  • Tracing form (DOC)
  • RealPlayer, or some other tool to view digital video (.ram file)

Reference Readings

Stevens, K. N. Acoustic Phonetics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, chapter 1, 1998.

Perkell, J. Physiology of Speech Production: Results and Implications of a Quantitative Cineradiographic Study. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, chapter 2, 1969.