Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Computation of Texture and Stereoscopic Depth in Humans 

      Fahle, Manfred; Troscianko, Tom (1989-10-01)
      The computation of texture and of stereoscopic depth is limited by a number of factors in the design of the optical front-end and subsequent processing stages in humans and machines. A number of limiting factors in ...
    • Disparity Gradients and Depth Scaling 

      Bulthoff, Henrich; Fahle, Manfred (1989-09-01)
      The binocular perception of shape and depth relations between objects can change considerably if the viewing direction is changed only by a small angle. We explored this effect psychophysically and found a strong depth ...
    • Fast Perceptual Learning in Visual Hyperacuity 

      Poggio, Tomaso; Fahle, Manfred; Edelman, Shimon (1991-12-01)
      In many different spatial discrimination tasks, such as in determining the sign of the offset in a vernier stimulus, the human visual system exhibits hyperacuity-level performance by evaluating spatial relations with the ...
    • Limits of Precision for Human Eye Motor Control 

      Fahle, Manfred (1989-11-01)
      Dichoptic presentation of vernier stimuli, i.e., one segment to each eye, yielded three times higher thresholds than binocular presentation, mainly due to uncorrelated movements of both eyes. Thresholds allow one to ...
    • A Model for Rivalry Between Cognitive Contours 

      Fahle, Manfred; Palm, Gunther (1990-06-01)
      The interactions between illusory and real contours have been inves- tigated under monocular, binocular and dichoptic conditions. Results show that under all three presentation conditions, periodic alternations, ...
    • On the Shifter Hyposthesis for the Elimination of Motion Blur 

      Fahle, Manfred (1990-08-01)
      Moving objects may stimulate many retinal photoreceptors within the integration time of the receptors without motion blur being experienced. Anderson and vanEssen (1987) suggested that the neuronal representation of ...
    • Parallel Computation of Vernier Offsets, Curvature and Chevrons in Humans 

      Fahle, Manfred (1989-12-01)
      A vernier offset is detected at once among straight lines, and reaction times are almost independent of the number of simultaneously presented stimuli (distractors), indicating parallel processing of vernier offsets. ...
    • Synthesis of Visual Modules from Examples: Learning Hyperacuity 

      Poggio, Tomaso; Fahle, Manfred; Edelman, Shimon (1991-01-01)
      Networks that solve specific visual tasks, such as the evaluation of spatial relations with hyperacuity precision, can be eastily synthesized from a small set of examples. This may have significant implications for the ...