On July 1, 2003, the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory merged with the Laboratory for Computer Science to form CSAIL, the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The labs' publications series have now merged. This collection includes documents published prior to 2005.

Recent Submissions

  • The Measurement of Visual Motion 

    Hildreth, Ellen C.; Ullman, Shimon (1982-12-01)
    The analysis of visual motion divides naturally into two stages: the first is the measurement of motion, for example, the assignment of direction and magnitude of velocity to elements in the image, on the basis of the ...
  • Complexity of Human Language Comprehension 

    Ristad, Eric Sven (1988-12-01)
    The goal of this article is to reveal the computational structure of modern principle-and-parameter (Chomskian) linguistic theories: what computational problems do these informal theories pose, and what is the underlying ...
  • The Perception of Subjective Surfaces 

    Brady, Michael; Grimson, W. Eric L. (1981-11-01)
    It is proposed that subjective contours are an artifact of the perception of natural three-dimensional surfaces. A recent theory of surface interpolation implies that "subjective surfaces" are constructed in the visual ...

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