Now showing items 1-20 of 88

    • 1.138J / 2.062J / 18.376J Wave Propagation, Fall 2004 

      Akylas, Triantaphyllos R.; Li, Guangda; Mei, Chiang C.; Rosales, Rodolfo (2004-12)
      This course discusses the Linearized theory of wave phenomena in applied mechanics. Examples are chosen from elasticity, acoustics, geophysics, hydrodynamics and other subjects. The topics include: basic concepts, one ...
    • 1.138J / 2.062J Wave Propagation, Fall 2000 

      Mei, Chiang C.; Li, Guangda (2000-12)
      Linearized theory of wave phenomena in applied mechanics. Examples are chosen from elasticity, acoustics, geophysics, hydrodynamics and other subjects. Basic concepts. One dimensional examples. Characteristics, dispersion ...
    • 10.391J / 1.818J / 2.65J / 11.371J / 22.811J / ESD.166J Sustainable Energy, January IAP 2007 - Spring 2007 

      Drake, Elisabeth; Incropera, Frank; Tester, Jefferson W.; Golay, Michael (2007)
      This course assesses current and potential future energy systems, covers resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use, and emphasizes meeting regional and global energy needs in the 21st century in a sustainable manner. ...
    • 10.391J / 1.818J / 2.65J / 3.564J / 11.371J / 22.811J / ESD.166J Sustainable Energy, Spring 2003 

      Tester, Jefferson W.; Drake, Elizabeth Mertz; Golay, M.; Kern, Edward C. (2003-06)
      Assessment of current and potential energy systems, covering extraction, conversion and end-use, with emphasis on meeting regional and global energy needs in the 21st century in a sustainable manner. Examination of energy ...
    • 10.391J / 1.818J / 2.65J / 3.564J / 11.371J / 22.811J / ESD.166J Sustainable Energy, Spring 2005 

      Drake, Elisabeth; Tester, Jefferson W.; Golay, Michael (2005-06)
      The assessment of current and potential future energy systems is covered in this course and includes topics on resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use, with emphasis on meeting regional and global energy needs in ...
    • 12.001 Introduction to Geology, Spring 2008 

      Elkins-Tanton, Lindy (2008-06)
      This undergraduate level course presents a basic study in geology. It introduces major minerals and rock types, rock-forming processes, and time scales; temperatures, pressures, compositions, structure of the Earth, and ...
    • 12.006J / 18.353J / 2.050J Nonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos, Fall 2006 

      Rothman, Daniel (2006-12)
      This course provides an introduction to the theory and phenomenology of nonlinear dynamics and chaos in dissipative systems. The content is structured to be of general interest to undergraduates in science and engineering.
    • 12.119 Analytical Techniques for Studying Environmental and Geologic Samples, Spring 2006 

      Boyle, Edward; Frey, Frederick; Bowring, Samuel; Grove, Timothy (2006-06)
      This is a laboratory course supplemented by lectures that focus on selected analytical facilities that are commonly used to determine the mineralogy, elemental abundance and isotopic ratios of Sr and Pb in rocks, soils, ...
    • 12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry, Fall 2006 

      Summons, Roger (2006-12)
      This course covers all aspects of molecular biosignatures from their pathways of lipid biosynthesis, the distribution patterns of lipid biosynthetic pathways with regard to phylogeny and physiology, isotopic contents, ...
    • 12.458 Molecular Biogeochemistry, Fall 2009 

      Summons, Roger (2009-12)
      This course evaluates and discusses the formation and diagnostic structural properties of organic compounds with particular emphasis on those molecules which form chemical fossils. The course is structured around the ...
    • 14.42 / 14.420 Environmental Policy and Economics, Spring 2004 

      Greenstone, Michael (2004-06)
      This course explores the proper role of government in the regulation of the environment. It will help students develop the tools to estimate the costs and benefits of environmental regulations. These tools will be used to ...
    • 14.454 Macroeconomic Theory IV, Fall 2004 

      Caballero, Ricardo (2004-12)
      This half-term course covers the macroeconomic implications of imperfections in labor markets, goods markets, credit and financial markets. The role of nominal rigidities is also an area of focus.
    • 14.581 International Economics I, Spring 2007 

      Antràs, Pol (2007-06)
      This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the field of international trade. It examines the theory of international trade and foreign investment with applications in commercial policy. Topics include gains from ...
    • 15.067 Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation, Spring 2003 

      Kaufman, Gordon (2003-06)
      This course is centered on twelve negotiation exercises that simulate competitive business situations. Specific topics covered include distributive bargaining (split the pie!), mixed motive bargaining (several issues at ...
    • 15.082J / 6.855J Network Optimization, Spring 2003 

      Orlin, James (2003-06)
      15.082J/6.855J is an H-level graduate subject in the theory and practice of network flows and its extensions. Network flow problems form a subclass of linear programming problems with applications to transportation, ...
    • 15.093 / 2.098 Optimization Methods (SMA 5213), Fall 2004 

      Bertsimas, Dimitris (2004-12)
      This course introduces the principal algorithms for linear, network, discrete, nonlinear, dynamic optimization and optimal control. Emphasis is on methodology and the underlying mathematical structures. Topics include the ...
    • 15.783J / 2.739J / ESD.32J Product Design and Development, Spring 2002 

      Eppinger, Steven D.; Whitney, Daniel E.; Kressy, Matt; Roemer, Thomas; Whitcomb, Clifford A.; e.a. (2002-06)
      Covers modern tools and methods for product design and development. The cornerstone is a project in which teams of management, engineering, and industrial design students conceive, design, and prototype a physical product. ...
    • 15.792J / 2.890J / 3.80J / 10.792J / 16.985J Proseminar in Manufacturing, Fall 2002 

      Rosenfield, Donald B., 1947- (2002-12)
      Provides an integrative forum for operations and manufacturing students and is the focus for projects in leadership, service, and improvement. Covers a set of integrative manufacturing topics or issues such as leadership ...
    • 2.001 Mechanics & Materials I, Spring 2003 

      Sarma, Sanjay E.; Thornton, Anna; Williams, James H.; Socrate, Simona (2003-06)
      Introduction to statics and the mechanics of deformable solids. Emphasis on the three basic principles of equilibrium, geometric compatibility, and material behavior. Stress and its relation to force and moment; strain and ...
    • 2.003 Modeling Dynamics and Control I, Spring 2002 

      Trumper, David L. (2002-06)
      First of two-term sequence on modeling, analysis and control of dynamic systems. Mechanical translation, uniaxial rotation, electrical circuits and their coupling via levers, gears and electro-mechanical devices. Analytical ...