Now showing items 406-425 of 775

    • M&M: A Passive Toolkit for Measuring, Correlating, and Tracking Path Characteristics 

      Katti, Sachin; Katabi, Dina; Kohler, Eddie; Strauss, Jacob (2004-04-14)
      This paper presents M&M, a passive measurement toolkitsuitable for large-scale studies of Internet path characteristics.The multiQ tool uses equally-spaced mode gaps in TCP flowsÂ’packet interarrival time distributions to ...
    • MAC Design for Analog Network Coding 

      Khabbazian, Majid; Kuhn, Fabian; Lynch, Nancy; Medard, Muriel; ParandehGheibi, Ali (2010-08-02)
      Most medium access control mechanisms discard collided packets and consider interference harmful. Recent work on Analog Network Coding (ANC) suggests a different approach, in which multiple interfering transmissions are ...
    • Machine-Checkable Correctness Proofs forIntra-procedural Dataflow Analyses 

      Salcianu, Alexandru; Arkoudas, Konstantine (2004-12-16)
      This technical report describes our experience using the interactive theorem proverAthena for proving the correctness of abstract interpretation-based dataflow analyses.For each analysis, our methodology requires the ...
    • Making Medical Records More Resilient 

      Rudin, Robert (2008-02-17)
      Hurricane Katrina showed that the current methods for handling medicalrecords are minimally resilient to large scale disasters. This research presents a preliminary model for measuring the resilience of medical records ...
    • Managing the 802.11 Energy/Performance Tradeoff with Machine Learning 

      Monteleoni, Claire; Balakrishnan, Hari; Feamster, Nick; Jaakkola, Tommi (2004-10-27)
      This paper addresses the problem of managing the tradeoff betweenenergy consumption and performance in wireless devices implementingthe IEEE 802.11 standard. To save energy, the 802.11 specificationproposes a power-saving ...
    • Mapping Stream Programs into the Compressed Domain 

      Thies, William; Hall, Steven; Amarasinghe, Saman (2007-11-30)
      Due to the high data rates involved in audio, video, and signalprocessing applications, it is imperative to compress the data todecrease the amount of storage used. Unfortunately, this implies thatany program operating on ...
    • Markov Chain Hallway and Poisson Forest Environment Generating Distributions 

      Richter, Charles; Vega-Brown, William; Roy, Nicholas (2015-04-27)
      We document two environment-generating distributions used for sampling random 2D maps. The first generates random hallway environments based on a Markov chain and the second generates random forest environments based on ...
    • Marriage, Honesty, and Stability 

      Immorlica, Nicole; Mahdian, Mohammad (2003-07-28)
      Many centralized two-sided markets form a matching between participantsby running a stable marriage algorithm. It is a well-knownfact that no matching mechanism based on a stable marriage algorithmcan guarantee truthfulness ...
    • Matching Sets of Features for Efficient Retrieval and Recognition 

      Grauman, Kristen Lorraine (2006-08-11)
      In numerous domains it is useful to represent a single example by the collection of local features or parts that comprise it. In computer vision in particular, local image features are a powerful way to describe images of ...
    • Materialization Strategies in a Column-Oriented DBMS 

      Abadi, Daniel J.; Myers, Daniel S.; DeWitt, David J.; Madden, Samuel R. (2006-11-27)
      There has been renewed interest in column-oriented database architectures in recent years. For read-mostly query workloads such as those found in data warehouse and decision support applications, ``column-stores'' have ...
    • Mathematics of the Neural Response 

      Caponnetto, Andrea; Poggio, Tomaso; Bouvrie, Jake; Rosasco, Lorenzo; Smale, Steve (2008-11-26)
      We propose a natural image representation, the neural response, motivated by the neuroscience of the visual cortex. The inner product defined by the neural response leads to a similarity measure between functions which we ...
    • Matrix Approximation and Projective Clustering via Iterative Sampling 

      Rademacher, Luis; Vempala, Santosh; Wang, Grant (2005-03-29)
      We present two new results for the problem of approximating a given real m by n matrix A by a rank-k matrix D, where k < min{m, n}, so as to minimize ||A-D||_F^2. It is known that bysampling O(k/eps) rows of the matrix, ...
    • Maximum Entropy Correlated Equilibria 

      Ortiz, Luis E.; Schapire, Robert E.; Kakade, Sham M. (2006-03-20)
      We study maximum entropy correlated equilibria in (multi-player)games and provide two gradient-based algorithms that are guaranteedto converge to such equilibria. Although we do not provideconvergence rates for these ...
    • Mechanism Design With Approximate Player Types 

      Chiesa, Alessandro; Micali, Silvio; Zhu, Zeyuan Allen (2011-02-16)
      We investigate mechanism design when the players do not exactly know their types, but have instead only partial information about them.
    • Mechanism Design with Approximate Valuations 

      Chiesa, Alessandro; Micali, Silvio; Zhu, Zeyuan Allen (2011-02-16)
      In mechanism design, we replace the strong assumption that each player knows his own payoff type EXACTLY with the more realistic assumption that he knows it only APPROXIMATELY. Specifically, we study the classical problem ...
    • Memoization Attacks and Copy Protection in Partitioned Applications 

      O'Donnell, Charles W.; Suh,, G. Edward; Dijk, Marten vn; Devadas, Srinivas (2006-12-08)
      Application source code protection is a major concern for software architects today. Secure platforms have been proposed that protect the secrecy of application algorithms and enforce copy protection assurances. Unfortunately, ...
    • A Method for Fast, High-Precision Characterization of Synthetic Biology Devices 

      Beal, Jacob; Weiss, Ron; Yaman, Fusun; Davidsohn, Noah; Adler, Aaron (2012-04-07)
      Engineering biological systems with predictable behavior is a foundational goal of synthetic biology. To accomplish this, it is important to accurately characterize the behavior of biological devices. Prior characterization ...
    • Methods and Experiments With Bounded Tree-width Markov Networks 

      Liang, Percy; Srebro, Nathan (2004-12-30)
      Markov trees generalize naturally to bounded tree-width Markov networks, onwhich exact computations can still be done efficiently. However, learning themaximum likelihood Markov network with tree-width greater than 1 is ...
    • Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful 

      Walfish, Michael; Stribling, Jeremy; Krohn, Maxwell; Balakrishnan, Hari; Morris, Robert; e.a. (2004-06-24)
      Intermediate network elements, such as network address translators (NATs), firewalls, and transparent caches are now commonplace. The usual reaction in the network architecture community to these so-called middleboxes is ...
    • MIXIT: The Network Meets the Wireless Channel 

      Katti, Sachin; Katabi, Dina (2007-09-04)
      The traditional contract between the network and the lower layers states that the network does routing and the lower layers deliver correct packets. In a wireless network, however, different nodes may hear most bits in a ...