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dc.contributor.authorGrunberg, Theodore W.
dc.contributor.authorDel Vecchio, Domitilla
dc.description.abstractTime-scale separation is a powerful property that can be used to simplify control systems design. In this work, we consider the problem of designing biomolecular feedback controllers that provide tracking of slowly varying references and rejection of slowly varying disturbances for nonlinear systems. We propose a design methodology that uses time-scale separation to accommodate physical constraints on the implementation of integral control in cellular systems. The main result of this paper gives sufficient conditions under which controllers designed using our time-scale separation methodology have desired asymptotic performance when the reference and disturbance are constant or slowly varying. Our analysis is based on construction of Lyapunov functions for a class of singularly perturbed systems that are dependent on an additional parameter that perturbs the system regularly. When the exogenous inputs are slowly varying, this approach allows us to bound the system trajectories by a function of the regularly perturbing parameter. This bound decays to zero as the parameter's value increases, while an inner-estimate of the region of attraction stays unchanged as this parameter is varied. These results cannot be derived using standard singular perturbation results. We apply our results to an application demonstrating a physically realizable parameter tuning that controls performance.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation through grant NSF-CMMI 1727189.en_US
dc.subjectbiomolecular feedback controlen_US
dc.subjectsingular perturbationen_US
dc.subjectLyapunov functionsen_US
dc.subjectsynthetic biologyen_US
dc.titleTime-scale separation based design of biomolecular feedback controllers (extended version)en_US

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