1 | Introduction to the course | No readings |
2 | What is feminist theory? |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 2-54. [Curious Feminist] Chapters 1-5; pp. 1-10, 69-82. McIntosh, Peggy. "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack." In Working Paper 189. White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondence through Work in Women's Studies, 1988. (
3 | Suffrage and equality |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 60-90, 93-100, 104-9, 201-210. Addams, Jane. "Women and Public Housekeeping." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 187-88.
4 | Materialist feminism |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 90-92, 100-4, 109-22, 126-27, 299-307, 211-14, 230-44. (Engels, Gilman, Emma Goldman, Mother Jones, Kollontai, Eastman, Margaret Sanger, Heidi Hartmann, Charlotte Bunch, Gayle Rubin, "Traffic in Women".)
5 | Feminism and difference |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 128-58, 215-21, 260-90, 312-19. (Stella Browne, Joan Riviere, Virginia Woolf, Karen Horney, Margaret Mead, Simone de Beauvoir, Helene Cixous, Luce Irigaray, Nancy Chodorow, Mary Daly, Marilyn Frye, Audre Lorde, Monique Wittig, Carol Gilligan.) Young, Iris. "Humanism, Gynecentrism, and Feminist Politics." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 174-87. |
6 | Power and identity |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 160-201, 245-48, 388-97. (Betty Friedan, Mary Douglas, NOW, Valerie Solanas, Kate Millett, "Redstockings Manifesto" (1969), Mary Ann Weathers, Anne Koedt, Pauli Murray, Radicalesbians, Older Women's League (OWL.) MacKinnon, Catherine. "Difference and Dominance." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 244-55. |
7 | Sexuality and gender identity |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 209-97, 327-32, 413-23, 434-42, 502-7, 516-22. (Adrienne Rich, Carole Vance, Catherine MacKinnon, Judith Butler, Judith Halberstam, Anne Fausto-Sterling.) Rubin, Gayle. "Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 527-40. |
8 | Embodied knowledge |
[Exile and Pride] pp. 1-40, 67-138. Kadi, Joanna. "Stupidity 'Deconstructed'." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 40-50. [Feminist Theory] pp. 529-40. (Rosemarie Garland-Thomson.) |
9 | Pornography, rape, and the politics of consent |
Stoltenberg, John. "Confronting Pornography as a Civil Rights Issue." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 298-310. Duggan, Lisa, Nan Hunter, and Carole S. Vance. "False Promises: Feminist Antipornography Legislation in the U.S." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 311-24. ( Marcus, Susan. "Fighting Bodies, Fighting Words: A Theory and Politics of Rape Prevention." In [Theorizing Feminisms] pp. 368-81. Langton, Rae. "Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts." Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (1993): 293-330. ( |
10 | Gender and the welfare system |
Fraser, Nancy and Linda Gordon. "A Genealogy of Dependency: Tracing a Keyword of the U.S. Welfare State." Signs 19, no. 2 (1994): 309-36.
11 | Gender and militarism |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 508-15. (Cynthia Enloe)
[Curious Feminist] Chapters 7-10, 13, 15-16, pp. 99-144, 152-54, 193-232. |
12 | Final presentations | No readings |
13 | Identities and global feminism |
[Feminist Theory] pp. 221-25, 319-26, 362-68, 397-401, 407-12, 466-69, 491-98, 533-61. (Fatima Mernissi, Chandra Mohanty, Gloria Anzaldua, Vandana Shiva, Ynestra King, Beijing Platform, Uma Narayan, Saba Mahmood.) [Curious Feminist] Chapters 2-4, 17, 19, pp. 19-68, 233-36, 268-305. |
14 | Third wave feminism and wrap-up discussion | [Feminist Theory] pp. 442-53, 469-72, 474-90, 499-501, 522-23, 541-45. (Patricia Hill Collins, Angela Davis, Winona LaDuke, Third Wave feminists, Kimberle Crenshaw, Griselda Pollock, Baumgardner and Richards, Joanne Barker.) |