This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at



Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session

Course Overview

This course focuses on capitalism and its critics in the context of the historical evolution of advanced industrial society. It will consider two major issues: the relative roles of markets and the state and the balance between individual rights and social responsibilities in the organization of economic activity. The structuring theme of the course is Thomas Kuhn's notion of a scientific paradigm. The course examines several different paradigms which have been used to analyze and understand capitalism in the context of the historical period in which those paradigms initially emerged and the specific political and economic problems with which they were designed to deal.

Subject Matter

The material is organized under four broad headings:

  • Liberalism and neoclassical economics
  • Marxism
  • Theories of the corporate state
  • Theories about the social embeddedness of economic activity

The course will use fictional and ethnographic accounts of individual economic achievement to highlight and sharpen the alternative ways of thinking about the social and political dimensions of economic activity. The issue of individualism and its relationship to capitalist growth and development is first introduced through The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. We return to examine these questions again at the end of the course in the context of Watson's autobiographical account of the discovery of DNA, The Double Helix, and Tracy Kidder's study of product development in the computer industry, The Soul of the New Machine, both of which raise questions about the role of individuals relative to social groups and broader intellectual communities in modern economic development.

Course Requirements

The course will require three types of written exercises: exams, formal papers, and weekly reactions to the readings.


There will be two exams: a midterm in Ses #15, and a final examination at the end of the term.  (The midterm does not count but is used to give students an idea of what to expect for the final.)


This course is a HASS-D subject and requires 25 pages of coherent essay. This requirement will normally be met through three essays of 7-9 pages each, the first due in Ses #9, the second in Ses #17, and the third in Ses #23.

Reflections on the Readings

Students are required to keep a written journal consisting of two or three pages of informal reflections on the readings each week. These should identify the most important issues which the readings pose and attempt to characterize the perspective which the authors take upon the relationship between the economy and the state and/or the relative roles of individual and social forces in economic growth and development.


Three papers (15% each) 45%
Reflections 5%
Final Exam 50%


Students are urged to purchase the following texts:

Buy at Amazon Rand, Ayn. The Fountainhead. Centennial ed. New York, NY: Signet, 1996. ISBN: 0451191153.

Buy at Amazon Watson, James D. The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. New York, NY: Touchstone, 2001. ISBN: 074321630X.

Buy at Amazon Kidder, Tracy. The Soul of a New Machine. Reprint ed. New York, NY: Modern Library, 1997. ISBN: 0679602615.


Introduction and Overview
1 The Evolution of the Industrial State  
2 Paradigms and History: Kuhn, Foley, Rawls  
Liberalism and Neoclassical Economics
3 Film: The Fountainhead  
4 Discussion of Rand  
5 Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom  
6 Becker  
7 Gilder  
Marxism, Economics, and Politics
8 Marxism: The Manifesto  
9 Elster Essay I due
10 Capital, The Division of Labor and Machinery  
11 Bowles and Gintis  
The Social Embeddedness of the Economy
12 Introduction  
13 Weber  
14 Polanyi  
15 Schumpeter  
16 Review Session  
17 Midterm Exam Midterm exam
18 Keynes Essay II due
The Corporate State
19 Introduction  
20 Galbraith and Solow  
21 Piore and Sabel  
22 Fligstein  
Civic Republicanism
23 Hannah Arendt  
24 Lester and Piore Essay III due
25 Sacks  
26 The Soul of the New Machine  
27 The Double Helix