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Section I: Neoclassical theories of trade
1 Gains from trade and the law of comparative advantage: Theory  
2 Gains from trade and the law of comparative advantage: Empirics  
3 The Ricardian model: Theory  
4 The Ricardian model: Empirics  
5 The Ricardo-Viner and Heckscher-Ohlin models: Theory, part I  
6 The Ricardo-Viner and Heckscher-Ohlin models: Theory, part II  
7 The Ricardo-Viner and Heckscher-Ohlin models: Empirics, part I  
8 The Ricardo-Viner and Heckscher-Ohlin models: Empirics, part II  
Section II: 'New' (non-neoclassical) theories of trade
9 Increasing returns to scale and monopolistic competition: Theory  
10 Increasing returns to scale and monopolistic competition: Empirics Homework 1 due
11 Firm-level trade: Theory, part I  
12 Firm-level trade: Theory, part II Homework 2 due
13 Firm-level trade: Empirics, part I  
14 Firm-level trade: Empirics, part II  
15 Gravity models: Theory  
16 Gravity models: Empirics Homework 3 due
Section III: Miscellaneous topics in trade
17 Trade and growth: Theory  
18 Trade and growth: Empirics  
19 Trade and labor markets: Theory Homework 4 due
20 Trade and labor markets: Empirics  
21 International organization of production: Theory, part I  
22 International organization of production: Theory, part II  
23 International organization of production: Empirics, part I  
24 International organization of production: Empirics, part II Referee report due
25 Trade policy: Theory  
26 Trade policy: Empirics Research proposal due