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Archived Versions

Lecture Notes

This section includes a selection of course lecture notes.

Ses # Topics
1 Introduction
Reason To Believe: Does God Exist?
2 Existence of God: Ontological Argument (PDF)
3 Problem of Evil I (PDF)
4 Problem of Evil II (PDF)
5 Pascal's Wager (PDF)
Rationality and Belief
6 Ethics of Belief: Evidentialism v. Pragmatism (PDF)
7 Racism and Belief (PDF)
8 Stereotypes and Belief (PDF)
9 Scientific Reason or Scientific Faith? (PDF)
10 More on Science and Faith (PDF)
Mind and Body
11 The Mind-Body Problem (PDF 1) (PDF 2)
12 Consciousness and Felt Experience
13 Materialist Options
14 Robots and Functionalism (PDF)
Freewill, Determinism, and Responsibility
15 Hard Determinism (PDF)
16 Compatibilism I (PDF)
17 Compatibilism II (PDF)
18 Libertarianism (PDF)
Morality and Right Conduct
19 Moral Variation Across Cultures (PDF)
20 Utilitarianism (PDF)
21 Ethical Egoism (PDF)
22 Famine (PDF)
23 Kantianism
24 Famine, Virtue and Duty
25 Moral Luck
26 Just War Theory
27 Final lecture