Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session
Problem Sets (Biweekly) | 20% |
Midterm (In class and Take-home) | 30% |
Term Paper | 20% |
Final Exam | 20% |
Participation | 10% |
Please note that class participation is an important part of your experience and your grade. Please come prepared to interact and to discuss the assigned material.
Problem Sets
There are 14 class-weeks in the Spring 2004 semester, and thus 5 problem sets will be assigned on and collected in class on Tuesdays, typically over 2 week intervals. No late sets will be accepted and will result in a grade of 0% for that set. Working together on problem sets is permissible and encouraged, but each student must write up the results individually.
Term Paper
As graduate students, courses are of most value to you when they interface directly with your research. Here, you will develop a term paper over the course of the semester that evaluates a research problem of interest to you within the context of physical metallurgy. That is, how do defects and second phases impact the processing, properties, and/or performance of your material system?