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Cuba, Lee. A Short Guide to Writing About Social Science. 3rd ed. New York: Longman, 1997.

Erickson, Kai. Wayward Puritans. New York: Wiley, 1966.

Goffman, Erving. Stigma. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963.

Kelly, Delos H., and Edward J. Clark. Deviant Behavior. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

Roth, Philip. The Human Stain. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.

Scheff, Thomas. Being Mentally Ill. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1999.

Additional Readings

(packet) indicates readings available for purchase in collections prepared for this course.
Full Notes (FN) read for detail, data, and argument.
Abstract (ABS) read for general argument.
As Time Allows (ATA) recommended reading if time permits.

Schlosser, Eric. "Reefer Madness." Atlantic Monthly 274, 2 (August 1994): 45-49, 52, 54-56, 58-60, 62-63. (Packet) (ABS)

Dibbell, Julian. "A Rape in Cyber Space." Chap. 1 in My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World. New York: Holt, 1998. (Packet) (ABS)

Bentham, Jeremy. The Principles of Morals and Legislation. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1988, excerpt. (Packet) (ABS)

Chambliss, William. "A Sociological Analysis of the Law of Vagrancy." Social Problems 12 (1964): 67-77. (Packet)

Cloward, Richard A., and Lloyd E. Ohlin. "Differential Opportunity and Delinquent Subcultures." (ABS)

Cohen, Stanley. "Inside the System." Chap 2 in Visions of Social Control. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1985, excerpt. (FN)

Cooley, Charles Horton. Human Nature and the Social Order. New York: Schocken Books 1964, excerpt. (Packet) (ATA)

Currie, Elliott P. "Crimes Without Criminals: Witchcraft and its Control in Renaissance Europe." Law and Society Review 3, 1 (1986): 7-32. (Packet) (ABS)

Davis, Natalie Zemon. "Boundaries and the Sense of Self in Sixteenth-Century France." In Reconstructing Individualism. Edited by Thomas C. Heller. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1986. Pp. 53-63. (Packet) (ABS)

Declaration of Independence. (Packet) (ABS)

Dentler, Robert A., and Erikson, Kai T. "The Functions of Deviance in Groups," Social Problems 7, 2 (1959): 98-107. Excerpt. (Packet) (FN)

Elvin, Mark. "Between the Earth and Heaven: Conceptions of the Self in China." In The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History. Edited by Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, and Steven Lukes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Pp. 156-189. Excerpt. (Packet) (ATA)

Foucault. "The Spectacle of the Scaffold." Chap 2 in Discipline and Punish. New York: Vintage Books, 1995 [1977]. Excerpt. (FN)

Goode, Erich. "Labeling and Interactionist Theory," and "Conflict Theory." (Packet) (FN)

Gould, Stephen J. "Measuring Bodies." Chap. 4 in The Mismeasure of Man. New York: Norton, 1996. (Packet) (FN)

Greenblatt, Stephen. "Fiction and Friction." Chap. 2 in Reconstructing Individualism. Edited by Thomas C. Heller. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1986. Pp. 30-52. (Packet) (ABS)

Hillerman, Tony. "The Dark Wind," and "Ghostway." In The Jim Chee Mysteries. New York, NY : HarperCollins, 1990. Excerpts. (Packet).

Katz, Jack L. "Sneaky Thrills." In Seductions of Crime. New York: Basic Books, 1988. Excerpt. (Packet) (FN)

Kondo, Dorrine K. Crafting Selves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. Excerpt. (Packet) (ATA)

La Fontaine, J. S. "Person and Individual: Some Anthropological Reflections." In The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History. Edited by Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, and Steven Lukes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Pp. 123-40. Excerpt. (Packet) (ATA)

Lemert, Edwin M. "Primary and Secondary Deviance." In Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999, pp. 53-56. (Packet) (ABS)

MacIntyre, Alasdair. After Virtue. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1984. Excerpt. (Packet) (FN)

Mauss, Marcel. "The Category of the Human Mind: The Notion of Person; The Notion of Self." In The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History. Edited by Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, and Steven Lukes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Pp. 1-25. Excerpt. (Packet) (FN)

Mead, George Herbert. Mind, Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. Excerpt. (Packet) (ATA)

Merry, Sally Engle. "Rethinking Gossip and Scandal." In Toward a General Theory of Social Control. Edited by Donald Black. Vol. 1. New York: Academic Press, 1984. Pp. 271-301. (Packet) (ABS)

Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty. New York: Norton, 1975. Excerpt. (Packet) (ABS)

Pfohl, Stephen J. "The 'Discovery' of Child Abuse." In Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. Pp. 20-32. (Packet) (ABS)

Rose, Nikolas. Governing the Soul. New York: Routledge, 1990. Excerpt. (FN)

Scott, Marvin B., and Stanford M. Lyman. "Accounts." American Sociological Review 33, 1 (1968): 46-62. (Packet) (FN)

Shearing, Clifford D., and Philip Stenning. "From the Panopticon to Disneyworld: The Development of a Discipline." In Perspectives in Criminal Law. Edited by E. Doob and E. L. Greenspan. Toronto: Canada Law Books, 1985. Pp. 335-349. Excerpt.

Simon. "Post-Modernization of Social Control." (Hand-out).

Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976. Excerpt. (Packet) (ABS)

Sudnow, David. "Normal Crimes: Sociological Features of the Penal Code in a Public Defender Office." In Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. Pp. 349-367. (Packet) (ABS)

Wrong, Dennis. "Adversarial Identities and Multiculturalism." Society 37, 2 (2000): 10-14. (Packet) (ABS)


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Film.

Reefer Madness. Video.