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1 Introduction
2 Variables and Controls - Signal Detection Theory Written assignment due. CogLab 1: Signal detection (summary).
3 Single Factor Design and Statistics (T-test)
4 Factorial Design and External Validity Written assignment due. CogLab 2: Signal cueing (summary).
5 How to Write a Research Paper / How to Give a Talk
6 Factorial Design and Statistical Analysis (ANOVA) Written assignment due. CogLab 3: Visual search (summary).
7 Project 1 Presentation: Single Factor Design Written assignment due. Project 1 short paper (1000 words).
8 MATLAB® Tutorial - Description of Project 2
9 Greatest Experiments in Cognitive Science Written assignment due. CogLab 4: Typical reasoning (summary).
10 Experimental Paradigms in Cognitive Science
11 Cognitive Neuroscience Methods Written assignment due. CogLab 5: Mental rotation (summary).
12 Single Participant Experiments, Quasi-Experiments Written assignment due. CogLab 6: Receptive fields (summary).
13 Correlational Studies and Non Experimental Research
14 Project 2 Presentation: Factorial Design Written assignment due. Project 2 short paper (1000 words).
15 Description of Project 3
16 Experiments in Other Sciences
17 Special Topic: Understanding the Visual World Written assignment due. Coglab 7: False memory (summary).
18 Ethics in Research
19 General Review Written assignment due. Coglab 8: Lexical decision (summary).
20 Exam in Class
21 Project 3 Discussion
22 Flawed Studies
23 Review
24 Project 3 Presentation
25 Project 3 Presentation (cont.) Written assignment due. Project 3 long paper (pp. 12-15).
26 Discussion of Articles (Optional)
27 Last Class: Final Written assignment due. Final project 3 paper.