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Download this Course


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Use of the materials included in the .ZIP files is governed by the same Creative Commons license used for materials published on the MIT OCW Web site.

MIT OpenCourseWare offers users the option to download complete .ZIP files as a free service to assist in offline and low-bandwidth use. OCW Zip File Downloads contain the same documents that are in the web-version of an OCW course. The value of the Zip Download is that you can review the OCW materials on your computer.

While MIT OCW will always be a free and open digital publication, your financial donation will enable us to continue to offer a high-quality publication, and free services such as the .ZIP download of this course. Read how you can support and sustain MIT OCW with your financial gift.

Course Download

The Zip download URL for this course is not available in the course archive.

Instructions for Downloading a Course

  1. Click on the .ZIP link above and your browser will, depending on your computer settings, begin to download the .ZIP file.
  2. You may need to download file decompression software, such as WinZip or StuffIt, to open the .ZIP file. Once you have properly opened the .ZIP file on your computer, there may be files incorporated into the .ZIP file that require software to open them. See the homepage of the individual MIT OCW course you are downloading to see what the software requirements for that course might be.
  3. Once the complete .ZIP file is downloaded to your desktop, and you have installed the proper decompression software, follow the software instructions for opening and expanding the .ZIP file on your computer.

Locating and Using Course Materials

Once you have successfully decompressed and opened the .ZIP file, use your browser to open the html homepage of the MIT OCW course. The Welcome.htm file in the root level of the unzipped directory will redirect to the home page for your downloaded course.

All of the materials included in the .ZIP file are governed by the same Creative Commons license that governs use of materials published on the MIT OCW page. Whether you are using MIT OCW materials online, or offline after you have downloaded a .ZIP version of the course, please read the MIT OCW use license on the MIT OCW site to ensure you are complying with the terms-of-use requirements for MIT OCW materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will it take to download a course?

    MIT OCW course .ZIP files range in size from 1MB to over 100MB. The majority are 25MB-30MB. Be aware that it can take a while for a .ZIP file to download. The download time will depend upon your connection speed (e.g., modem vs. DSL or cable).

  2. Why are some materials such as video lectures or media simulations missing from the .ZIP file?

    Some materials, such as videos, java applets, and other special content that is not posted on the MIT OCW server, is linked to rather than included in the .ZIP file. You may view the entire MIT OCW course site by clicking on the course homepage in the .ZIP file. To download MIT OCW videos to your desktop, please read the FAQ on the MIT OCW Web site.

  3. Who do I contact if I have a problem downloading a course?

    Send an email to the MIT OCW Team via our Feedback Form or