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Course Outline

An outline of course topics is available here. (PDF)

I. Probability

 1. Random variables: discrete, continuous, and mixed
 2. Multiple variables: joint and conditional densities
 3. Functions of a random variable
 4. Sums of random variables

Examples: drawn from kinetic theory, Poisson processes, and quantum mechanical wave functions

II. Thermodynamic Systems

 1. Definitions
 2. The concept of temperature
 3. The first law

III. Micro-canonical Ensemble

 1. The postulate of equal a priori probabilities
 2. Temperature, entropy, and the second law
 3. Probabilities for microscopic variables

Examples: ideal gas, 2 level problem, Shottkey defects, 1 dimensional Ising model, harmonic oscillators

IV. Canonical Ensemble

 1. Earlier examples revisited
 2. Connection with thermodynamic potentials
 3. Fluctuations

Examples: polyatomic gases, paramagnetism, thermal radiation and phonons in solids, noise in electronic circuits

V. Ideal Quantum Gases

 1. Zero temperature behavior
 2. Counting of states, failure of canonical ensemble
 3. Low temperature behavior

Examples: Bose-Einstein Condensation; metals, semiconductors, and insulators; neutron stars and white dwarfs


Reif. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics. (Required)
Zemansky and Dittman. Heat and Thermodynamics. (Optional)


There will be four one-hour exams. Each exam contributes 21% toward the final grade.


Problem sets are due in the lecture on the days indicated on the calendar. Since the solutions will be handed out at the end of the same lecture, no late homework will be accepted. The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections. The homework contributes 16% toward the final grade.