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9.641J / 8.594J Introduction to Neural Networks, Fall 2002

Neurons forming a network in disassociated cell culture.
Neurons forming a network in disassociated cell culture. (Image courtesy of Seung Laboratory, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.)

Highlights of this Course

Modern research in theoretical neuroscience can be divided into three categories: cellular biophysics, network dynamics, and statistical analysis of neurobiological data. This subject is about the dynamics of networks, but excludes the biophysics of single neurons, which will be taught in 9.29 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience. Sample problem sets are provided, as well as related resources.

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Course Description

Organization of synaptic connectivity as the basis of neural computation and learning. Single and multilayer perceptrons. Dynamical theories of recurrent networks: amplifiers, attractors, and hybrid computation. Backpropagation and Hebbian learning. Models of perception, motor control, memory, and neural development.


Prof. Sebastian Seung

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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