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The optional recitations are designed to teach students the basics of MATLAB® and the special functions that are required to complete the problem sets.

Lecture 1
  • Definitions of Computational Neuroscience and Neural Networks. Classical Neural Network Equations. Integrate-and-Fire Model Neurons and Reduction by the Method of Averaging
Optional Recitation 1
  • Discuss Homework 1. Review of Basic Differential Equations, Taylor Approximations, and MATLAB®. Skills for Homework 1

Lecture 2

  • Perceptron as Feature Detector. Visual Receptive Fields
  • Assignment 1: Integrate-and-fire Neurons, Method of Averaging
Lecture 3
  • The Problem of Credit Assignment. Perceptron Learning Rule. Convergence Theorem. Learning by Gradient Following. Online Learning
Optional Recitation 2
  • Homework 2. Manipulating the MNIST Database in MATLAB®. Eigenvalues. Plotting Contours in MATLAB®

Lecture 4

  • Multilayer Perceptrons and Backpropagation
  • Assignment 2: Perceptrons

Lecture 5

  • Backpropagation Applications. LeNet and the Visual System
Lecture 6
  • The Capacity of the Perceptron, Statistical Learning Theory
  • Assignment 3. Backpropagation
Lecture 7
  • Unsupervised Learning for Perceptrons. Mean and Principal Component
Lecture 8
  • Feedback in Linear Networks. Eigenmode Analysis, Amplification and Attenuation, Gain-bandwidth Theorem
Lecture 9
  • Neural Network models of the Retina
Lecture 10
  • Self-excitation and Global Inhibition. Decision-making. The MAX Operation
  • Assignment 5: Linear Network Theory
Lecture 11
  • Hybrid Analog-digital Computation. Permitted and Forbidden Sets
Midterm Review
Midterm Exam
Lecture 12
  • Intra-group Excitation and Global Inhibition. Marr-Poggio Model of Stereopsis. Complex Cell Model
  • Assignment 6: Nonlinear Network Theory
Lecture 13
  • Lateral Excitation and Global Inhibition. Gain Fields and Stimulus Selection
Lecture 14
  • Rehash of Midterm Exam
Lecture 15
  • Vector Quantization (VQ)
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Assignment 7: Nonlinear Network Theory Again
Lecture 16
  • Models of Associative Memory
Lecture 17
  • Delay Sctivity. Griniasty-Tsodyks-Amit Model
  • Assignment 8: VQ
Lecture 18
  • Neural Integrators
Lecture 19
  • Contrastive Hebbian Learning and Recurrent Backprop Learning
  • Assignment 9 due
Lecture 20
  • Reinforcement Learning. Hedonistic Synapses
Lecture 21
  • REINFORCE Algorithms. Hedonistic Neurons
  • Assignment 10 Due
Lecture 22
  • Gradient Learning of Trajectories: Backpropagation and Real-time Recurrent Learning
Lecture 23
  • Assignment 11 Due
Lecture 24 Final Review
Final Exam Review Session

MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.