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1 What Kinds of Things are We?

Introduction (2 sessions)
First Handout - Arguments (PDF)

Perry. Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality ("The First Night.")

Parfit. Reasons and Persons. Chap. 10.

Second Handout - Parfit 1 (PDF) Paper 1 Topics Distributed (first class of the week) (PDF)

Perry. Dialogue ("The Second Night," "The Third Night.")

Parfit. Chap. 11.

Third Handout - Parfit 2 (PDF) Paper 1 Due ( a day after second class of the week)
4 Parfit. Chap. 12, 13.

Fourth Handout - Parfit 3 (PDF)

Fifth Handout - Parfit 4 (PDF)

Paper 2 Topics Distributed (first class of the week) (PDF)
5 Parfit. Chap. 14, 15. Sixth Handout - Parfit 5 (PDF)

First Debate (second class of the week) (PDF)

Paper 2 Due (two days after second class of the week)

6 Moral Relativism Harman and Thomson. Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity. Chap. 6.

Seventh Handout - Harman and Thomson 1 (PDF)

Eighth Handout - Harman and Thomson 2 (PDF)

7 Harman and Thomson. Chap. 7. Ninth handout - Harman and Thomson 3 (PDF) Paper 3 Topics Distributed (second class of the week) (PDF)
8 Harman and Thomson. Chap. 1-5. Tenth handout - Harman and Thomson 4 (PDF)
9 Harman and Thomson. Chap. 9, 10.

Blackburn. "The World." (Distributed)

Second Debate (second class of the week) (PDF)

Paper 3 Due (a day after second class of the week)

10 Relativism about Reality

Eleventh Handout - Blackburn (PDF)


Popper. Logic of Scientific Discovery. Selections.

Putnam. "The 'corroboration' of theories." (Distributed)

Twelfth Handout - Popper/Putnam (PDF)
12 Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chap. 1-5.

Thirteenth Handout - Kuhn 1 (PDF)

Paper 4 Topics Distributed (first class of the week) (PDF)
13 Kuhn. Chap. 6-13, plus postscript.

Fourteenth Handout - Kuhn 2 (PDF)

14 Kuhn. Chap. 6-13, plus postscript. (Review in recitation section, a day after class 2 of the week)

Study Questions (PDF)

Fifteenth Handout - Kuhn 3 (PDF)

Third Debate

Review in recitation section (a day after class 2)

Paper 4 Due (a day after second class)
15 Alston. "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Real World." Sixteenth Handout - Alston (PDF)