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H-Level, 4-0-8 units
  • Permission of instructor (Background in Calculus, ODEs, Mechanics desirable).
Grading Policy
  • Final Open Book Exam: 40%
  • Two, two hour quizzes (with one sheet of formulae)
    (Excuses should be directed to the Professor): 40% (20% each)
  • Homework (Individual Effort): 20%

Homework usually assigned each Wednesday and due the following Wednesday (unless otherwise specified). Graded homework will be returned the following Wednesday. There is a penalty for late homework. Excuses should be directed to the TA in advance.

Required Textbook Available at Coop
Shames, I. H., and J. M. Pitarresi. Introduction to Solid Mechanics. 3rd ed. N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Further Course Material
Copies of the lecture notes, and some advanced material for marine and civil applications will be handed out during the term.