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2.96 / 6.930 / 10.806 / 13.52 / 16.653 / 22.002 Management in Engineering, Fall 2002

Construction site. (Image courtesy of the National Institute of Health.)
Construction site. (Image courtesy of the National Institute of Health.)

Highlights of this Course

This course includes a full set of assignments, sample exams, and useful links.

» View this course en Español or em Portugues courtesy of Universia.

Course Description

Introduction of engineering management. Financial principles, management of innovation, engineering project planning and control, human factors, career planning, patents, and technical strategy. Case study method of instruction emphasizes participation in class discussion. Juniors, seniors, or graduate students. Engineering School-Wide Elective subject.


Prof. Jung-Hoon Chun
Prof. David Kang
Prof. Alexander d'Arbeloff

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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