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Term Project

Select parameters/models you would like to evaluate from the Table of Contents of the TRAC-M Code manual (Sections 3 and 4).

Day# 26
Produce a publication quality report summarizing the parameters/models selected form the Code and assess these selections against the possible physical models in the literature.
Survey the selection made in your assigned codes:

1. State the physical meaning of each parameter.

2. Summarize the key physical models for each of the parameters imbedded in the code.

3. Summarize the key physical models for each of the parameters in the literature.

Assess the Code Selection:

4. Present the advantages and weaknesses of the Code Selections as you view them based on available literature models.

5. State whether you recommend the Code Selection for each parameter or prefer a different selection (which you should present). Justify your answer.

Effort Expected
This will constitute the equivalent of 2-1/2 weekly written homework assignments.

Use the TRAC-M/Fortran 90 (Version 3) Theory Manual.
Consider only Section 3 and related Appendices E, F, G, H, and I.