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Course Outline

1 Intro to Course
Strategy and Structure
pp. 2-17
2 Strategy & Structure, cont. pp. 18-25; 28-33
3 Presentations pp. 86-92; 102-103 Baseline Memos
4 Presentations, cont. pp. 93-96, 108-155
5 Listening/Giving and Receiving Feedback pp. 156-161 Oral Presentation Labs begin
6 Writing pp. 34-45; 50-67
7 Writing, cont. pp. 68-85; 162-169 Draft: “Meeting Maker” Memos
8 Effective Teamwork pp. 97-101
9 Team Meeting
10 Team Writing and Presentations pp. 48-49; 107 “Meeting Maker” Memos
11 Team Meeting Report Proposal I
12 Persuasion
13 Cover Letters
14 Interviewing Draft:   Cover Letters
Report Proposal II
15 Individual Conferences/
Team Meetings
Mid-Semester Self- Evaluations
16 Individual Conferences/
Team Meetings
Oral Presentation Labs begin
17 Intercultural Communication Cover Letters
18 Intercultural Communication, cont. Draft:  Reports
19 Working with the Media pp. 106
20 Electronic Media pp. 26-27; 46-47; 104-105 Outlines of Presentations
21 Review of Strategic Communication: Sunk in Sacramento Case
22 Presentation on Reports Report Presentations
23 Presentation on Reports Report Presentations
24 Presentation on Reports Report Presentations
25 Course Wrap-Up Final Self-Evaluation Memos