Prof. Nigel Wilson
Dr. Frederik Salvucci
1.221J or permission of instructor
This course explores management issues and methods relevant to urban public transportation systems. The focus will be on the organizations providing public transport service and will include alternative arrangements for service provision. Topics to be discussed will include privatization and deregulation, strategic planning and management, performance assessment, financing, budgeting, marketing, pricing, labor relations, workforce planning and management, maintenance planning, and management information and decision support systems. Coverage will be of both current transit industry practice and alternative strategies.
Course Requirements
Readings will be assigned for each topic.
A term paper will be required of each student with the following deliverables:
Proposal (approximately 1 page)
Progress report (approximately 5 pages)
Final paper
Oral presentation (15 - 20 minutes)
Three written assignments
Final grades will be based 50% on the term project and 50% on the assignments and contributions to class discussions.
Guest Lecturers
Several guest lecturers will be invited to give non-academic perspectives on various topics.