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  • Peskin, M., and D. Schroeder. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Addison Wesley, 1995.
  • Weinberg, S. The Quantum Theory of Fields. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Brown, L. S. Quantum Field Theory. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Ramond, P. Field Theory A Modern Primer.
  • Georgi, Howard. Weak Interactions.
Course Prerequisites
An introductory course to QFT (Quantum Field Theory) 8.323 or equivalent.
Problem Sets
The weekly problem sets are an essential part of the course. Working through these problems is crucial to understanding the material deeply. After attempting each problem by yourself, we encourage you to discuss the problems with the teaching staff and with each other- this is an excellent way to learn physics! However, you must write-up your solutions by yourself. Your solutions should not be transcriptions or reproductions of someone else's work, or of a "bible'' from a previous year. Violations of this policy will be dealt with harshly.

Problem sets will generally be assigned on Wednesdays, and will be due on the following Wednesday in the recitation instructor's office. Graded assignments will be returned in the following week in recitation. Unclaimed graded assignments will be available with the recitation instructor.

Problem set solutions will be posted on the web one week following the due date.

The final grade for the course will be based on homework.