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Lecture Notes

Week 1
1 Thinking Like a Philosopher (PDF)
Week 2
2 Staying One and the Same Thing Over Time (PDF)
3 Persistence for Persons (PDF)
Week 3
4 Remembering who you are (PDF)
5 Personal Identity as Psychological Continuity (PDF)
Week 4
6 The Importance of Being Identical (?) (PDF)
7 Identity is Not what Matters (PDF)
Week 5
8 The Truth will Set You Free (PDF)
9 First Debate
Week 6
10 Knowing Right from Wrong (PDF)
11 What's your Evidence? (PDF)
Week 7
12 Not a Fact but a Feeling (PDF)
13 True for you, Maybe (PDF)
Week 8
14 Lessons from Einstein on Ethics (PDF)
15 What are we Arguing about? (PDF)
Week 9
16 Insiders, Outsiders (PDF)
17 Second Debate
Week 10
18 Galileo, Descartes, Berkeley, Locke, Kant (PDF)
19 Hume, Popper, Putnam (PDF)
Week 11
20 Kuhn as Kant all Over Again (PDF)
Week 12
21 Four Kinds of Incommensurability (PDF)
22 No Shared Reasons (PDF)
Week 13
23 No Shared Meanings
24 No Shared World
Week 14
25 The Idea of Progress
26 Third Debate