This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


1 Course Introduction


Causation and Randomized Experiments
Problem set out
2 STATA Review  
3 Lecture and Discussion

Elements of a Good Economics Paper

Assembly of Research Teams
Problem set due
4 Workshop

Oral Presentation of Paper Ideas by Research Teams

Class Discussion
5 Workshop

Oral Presentation of Paper Ideas by Research Teams

Class Discussion (cont.)
6 Workshop

Oral Presentation of Research Plans by Research Teams

Class Discussion (cont.)
Research plan due (for half the members of each team)
7 Workshop

Oral Presentation of Research Plans by Research Teams

Class Discussion (cont.)
Research plan due (for the remaining half the members of each team)
8 Workshop

Project Discussion and Questions
9 Workshop

Project Discussion and Questions (cont.)
10 Workshop

First Draft Paper Feedback
First draft paper due (for half the members of each team)
11 Workshop

First Draft Paper Feedback (cont.)
First draft paper due (for the remaining half the members of each team)
12 Workshop

Paper Rewrites
13 Last Class Final paper due