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Lec # Topics Key Dates
1 Grice on Meaning
2 Grice on Meaning (cont.) Problem set 1 due
3 Grice on Implicatures
4 Grice on Implicatures (cont.) Problem set 2 due
5 Grice on Meaning (cont.)
6 Davidson on Meaning (I)
7 Davidson on Meaning (I) (cont.) Problem set 3 due
8 Tarski on Truth
9 Tarski on Truth (cont.) Problem set 4 due
10 Davidson on Meaning (II)
11 Davidson on Meaning (II) (cont.) Problem set 5 due
12 Davidson on Logical Form
13 Davidson on Logical Form (cont.) Problem set 6 due
14 The Foster Problem
15 The Foster Problem (cont.) Problem set 7 due
16 Quine on Radical Interpretation Take-home midterm exam due
17 Quine on Radical Interpretation (cont.) Problem set 8 due
18 Grice on Meaning (cont.)
19 Dummett on Meaning
20 Dummett on Meaning (cont.) Problem set 9 due
21 Field on Truth
22 Field on Truth (cont.) Problem set 10 due
23 Lewis on Convention
24 Lewis on Convention (cont.) Problem set 11 due
25 Lewis on Radical Interpretation
26 Grice on Meaning (cont.) Take-home final exam due