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Efficiency and Order of Growth

OCW Scholar

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Session Overview

Graph showing various logarithmic curves.

This lecture revolves around the topic of algorithmic efficiency. It introduces the random access model (RAM) of computation and "big O notation" as a way to talk about order of growth. It concludes with binary search.

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About this Video

Topics covered: Efficiency, problem reduction, RAM, best case, worst case, expected case, growth, exponential growth, polynomial growth, logarithmic growth, global variables.


Recitation Videos

About this Video

Topics covered: Big O notation, algorithm complexity, algorithm comparison example, object-oriented programming, Person class example, defensive programming, private attributes, mutability, aliasing.


Check Yourself

Why is efficiency important?

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Efficiency determines how long our programs take to run; when large sets of data are being handled, it can make a huge difference (on the order of years or even millennia) whether our program is efficient or not.



What notation do we use to state complexity?

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Big O notation.



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