This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Assignment One (PDF)

This assignment will coincide with an oral presentation and will involve describing a technique utilized in the paper to be discussed that session. The technique should be described at a level geared to novices in the field and include a history of the procedure. The written description should include references and may involve diagrams if applicable. These technique descriptions will be copied and distributed to all members of the class, so at the end of the semester each student will have a "handbook" of techniques used in the protein folding field.

Assignment Two (PDF)

For the second written assignment, students will be given an abstract from a scientific paper and will be asked to design a set of experiments that would support the conclusions presented in it.

Assignment Three (PDF)

The third written assignment will be to design a two page research proposal outlining a set of experiments that follow-up on a topic or paper discussed in class. The experiments may include but are not limited to those described in class. The proposal will be due at the final class meeting. Students should feel free to contact the instructor to discuss ideas and topics.