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The User-friendly Classroom

A composite of various images showing students and teacher's assistants in class.

A composite of images taken from "The User-friendly Classroom" videos. (This image appears courtesy of A. C. Kemp.)


Resource Description

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Course Description

The User-friendly Classroom video training series was created specifically for teaching assistants for whom English is a second language and the USA a second culture by A.C. Kemp, a lecturer in MIT Global Studies and Languages (GSL).  These videos focus on developing international teaching assistants' strategies for successful, student-centered communication in the interactive American classroom. These videos demonstrate best practices through authentic examples of successful teaching scenarios, interviews with undergraduates and advice from international teaching assistants.

These videos were created for use with the following courses:

21G.232 / 21G.233 Advanced Speaking and Critical Listening (ELS)

21G.217 / 21G.218 Workshop in Strategies for Effective Teaching (ELS)

"Special thanks to my mentor, Jane Dunphy, for her support and advice with this project."

- A.C. Kemp

Related Content

A. Kemp. RES.21G-001 The User-friendly Classroom. Spring 2016. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

For more information about using these materials and the Creative Commons license, see our Terms of Use.
