This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


1 Introduction
Part 1: Forces Affecting Urban Development
2 Viewpoints on the City Assignment 1 out
3 The Forces that Made Boston
4 Walking Tour of Boston
5 The Market

Case Study: Boston's West End

Guest: James Campano, Editor, The West Ender

Identify place for Assignment 1
7 Social Forces
8 The Public Will
9 The Public Wish

Case Study: Shaping Private Development / The Case Of Smart Growth

Guest: Prof. Terry Szold, Principal, Community Planning Solutions

11 Discussion Session (In Sections)
12 Public / Private Partnerships
13 Field Visit: Boston Redevelopment Authority
14 Visions

Walking Tour of Providence / Waterfire

Guide: Barnaby Evans, Creator / Producer of Waterfire

16 Discussion of Assignment 1 (In Sections) Assignment 1 due
Part 2: Models of Urban Design and Development
17 The Traditional City Assignment 2 out
18 The City as a Work of Art

Case Study: Tradition and Invention in City Design / The Case of San Diego

Guest: Adele Naude Santos, Dean, School of Architecture and Planning


Case Study: The Political Art of Capital Cities

Guest: Larry Vale, Head, MIT DUSP

21 The Efficient City

Case Study: Globalizing Cities

Guest: Yung Ho Chang, Head, MIT Department of Architecture

23 Urban Nature
24 Discussion Session (In Sections)

Case Study: The End of the Suburbia?

Guest: Prof. Robert Fishman, University of Michigan, Historian and Critic

26 The Secure City
27 The Information City

The Virtual City

Guest: Prof. William Mitchell, MIT Design Lab

29 Debating the Models
30 The Good City Assignment 2 due
31 Wrap-up