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Week # LEC # Readings Assignments/Exams
1 1 John Crowe Ransome. "Captain Carpenter." (handout).  
  2 Joyce. "An Encounter."  
2 3 Kipling. The Man Who Would Be King.
Thorburn. "Introduction." Initiation. (handout).
Summary of week 1 lec #2 (maximum two pages).
  4 Conrad. Heart of Darkness.  
3   Conrad. Heart of Darkness.  
4 5 Conrad. Heart of Darkness.  
  6 Ford. The Good Soldier.  
5   Ford. The Good Soldier.  
  7 Kafka. The Metamorphosis. First Paper Due.
6   Kafka. The Metamorphosis.  
      Midterm Exam.
7 8 D.H. Lawrence. "The Horse-Dealer's Daughter." (handout).  
  9 Joyce. "Araby," "Two Gallants," "Grace," "The Dead". In Dubliners.  
8   Joyce. "Araby," "Two Gallants," "Grace," "The Dead". In Dubliners. Second Paper Due.
9 10 Joyce. Chap. 4 - 18 In Ulysses.  
  11 Joyce. Chap. 4 - 18 In Ulysses.  
10 12 Woolf. To the Lighthouse.  
    Woolf. To the Lighthouse.  
11 13 Faulkner. "That Evening Sun."
———. "Old Man."
12   Faulkner. "That Evening Sun."
———. "Old Man."
  14 Babel. "The Story of My Dovecot."
———. "Crossing the Zbrucz."
———. "Pan Apolek."
———. "My First Goose."
———. "The King."
———. "How It Was Done in Odessa."
———. "The Sin of Jesus."
13   Babel. "The Story of My Dovecot."
———. "Crossing the Zbrucz."
———. "Pan Apolek."
———. "My First Goose."
———. "The King."
———. "How It Was Done in Odessa."
———. "The Sin of Jesus."
      Final Exam.
14 15 Nabokov. Pale Fire.  
    Nabokov. Pale Fire. Third Paper Due.
15 16 Summary perspectives: The Moral Vision of Modern Fiction.