JuliaCon 2015

This collection archives the proceedings, slides, and other materials from the second Julia conference, which took place June 24th–27th, 2015 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


The conference was held in the Ray and Maria Stata Center . Sessions were held in either 32-123, 32-141, or 32-144.

Wednesday, June 24

Hackathon and Intro Workshop (Room 32-144)
08:00 Registration, coffee and light breakfast
08:30 Hackathon Begins
11:30 JSoC participants Lightning talks about JSoC 2015 projects
01:30 - 04:30 David P. Sanders Workshop: Invitation to Julia for scientific computing (Room 32-123)
03:00 Break
06:30 Hackathon Ends
Dinner for speakers and organizers (7pm, RSVP)

Thursday, June 25

08:15 Coffee and light breakfast
08:45 Opening Remarks
08:55 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Scientific Applications I (Room 32-123) (Chair: Jiahao Chen)
09:00 Kyle Barbary JuliaAstro
09:10 Daniel C. Jones BioJulia: A modern bioinformatics framework
09:50 Spencer Lyon Methods, Models, and Moments: Julian Economics with QuantEcon.jl
10:30 Break (30 Minutes)
11:00 Katharine Hyatt Quantum Statistical Simulations with Julia
11:40 David Beach Introducing Julia into a Python/C++ Scientific Computing Environment
11:50 Art Diky Climate classification and clustering with Julia
12:00 BlackRock, Inc.  
12:05 Lunch
Parallel session I: Visualization and Interactivity (Room 32-123) (Chair: Avik Sengupta)
01:30 Simon Danisch Hypersignals, a bold vision for interactive Data Visualization
02:10 Jack Minardi 3D Printing with Julia: Presenting "Euclid", a new high performance multimaterial slicer
02:50 Josef Heinen GR.jl - Plotting for Julia based on GR
03:00 Break (20 Minutes)
03:20 Mike Innes Building web-powered applications in Julia
04:00 Zachary Yedidia SFML.jl -- A package for the Simple Fast Multimedia Library
04:10 Shashi Gowda Escher.jl: A new way to make and deploy GUIs
04:20 Viral B. Shah JuliaBox - Julia in your browser
04:30 Sebastien Martin Taxi fleet simulation and visualization
Parallel session II: Statistics (Room 32-141) (Chair: Douglas Bates)
01:30 Zenna Tavares Julia as a Probabilistic Programming Language
02:10 Chiyuan Zhang Mocha.jl - Deep Learning for Julia
02:50 Simon Kornblith L1 regularized regression
03:00 Break (20 Minutes)
03:20 Pontus Stenetorp Suitably Naming a Child with Multiple Nationalities using Julia
04:00 John Myles White What needs to be done to move JuliaStats forward
04:40 Break
Ecosystem (Room 32-123) (Chair: Mike Innes)
5:00 Tony Fong Lint.jl
5:40 Tony Kelman How to support Windows: cross-platform installation and testing for Julia packages
5:50 Isaiah Norton Automatic ccall wrapper generation with Clang.jl
6:00 Iain Dunning Julia's Package Ecosystem: Past, Present, and Future
6:10 Sorami Hisamoto What’s going on at JuliaTokyo?
6:20 Leah Hanson Contributing to Julia
6:30 Discussion: Contributing & Ecosystem
07:00 Hang out with other Julians

Friday, June 26

08:15 Coffee and light breakfast
08:55 Julia Computing
Julia Internals (Room 32-123) (Chair: Isaiah Norton)
09:00 Jeff Bezanson The base language: future directions and speculations
09:40 Jake Bolewski Work towards a pure Julia compiler frontend
10:20 Westley Hennigh Who optimizes the optimizers? Can genetic algorithms help us to optimize the layout of LLVM IR passes used to compile Julia code?
10:30 Break (30 Minutes)
11:00 Keno Fischer Shaving the Yak: Why Julia now has one of the best C++ FFIs and what to do with it
11:40 Mauro Werder Traits.jl, interfaces for Julia
11:50 Jacob Quinn What Happens When: From Parse-Time to Compile-Time
12:00 Douglas Bates Mixing it up: Adventures with statistical models and sparse matrices
12:10 Group photo and Lunch
Parallel session I: Numerical Computing (Room 32-123) (Chair: Katharine Hyatt)
01:30 Jack Poulson Distributed-memory "direct" linear algebra and optimization
02:10 Zhang Xianyi Introduction to OpenBLAS and BLIS
02:50 Break (20 Minutes)
03:10 Viral B. Shah The present and future of sparse matrices in Julia.
03:50 David P. Sanders Validated numerics in Julia
04:00 Luis Benet Taylor series expansions in julia
04:10 Hongbo Rong, Jongsoo Park Sparse Accelerator
Parallel session II: Scientific Applications II (Room 32-141) (Chair: Spencer Lyon)
01:30 Robert Moss Using Julia as a Specification Language for the Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System
02:10 Lars Ruthotto Distributed Algorithms for Full-Waveform-Inversion (FWI)
02:50 Break (20 Minutes)
03:10 Iain Dunning JuliaOpt: Optimization-related projects in Julia
03:50 Yee Sian Ng JuliaGeo: Working with Geospatial data in Julia
04:00 Blake Johnson Quickly building simulations of quantum systems
04:10 Kevin Damazyn and Mark Tabor SLU-TMI - TextMining.jl
04:20 Break
Data (Room 32-123) (Chair: John Myles White)
04:40 Simon Kornblith JLD: Saving Julia objects to the disk in HDF5 format
05:20 Avik Sengupta Serving up : A practical guide to exposing Julia APIs on the web
05:30 Tanmay Mohapatra ProtoBuf.jl - Interfacing Julia with Complex systems using Protocol Buffers
05:40 Bob Carpenter Stan.jl: Statistical Modeling and Inference Made Easy
05:50 Eric Davies Towards A Consistent Database Interface
06:00 Discussion: Databases and Interchange
Parallel Computing (Room 32-141) (Chair: Viral Shah)
04:30 Amit Murthy Cluster Managers and Parallel Julia
05:10 Kiran Pamnany, Ranjan Anantharaman Multi-threading Julia
05:50 Patrick Sanan Using Julia on a Cray Supercomputer
06:00 Julia Yang Distilling RUM with Julia
06:10 Break
06:20 Closing Remarks

Saturday, June 27

09:00-11:30 Iain Dunning, Joey Huchette, Miles Lubin, Madeleine Udell Solving optimization problems with JuliaOpt (Rm. 32-123)
09:00-11:30 Avik Sengupta Julia and the world: How to work with C/C++/Java/Python/Ruby from Julia (Rm. 32-141)
11:30-1:00 Lunch
01:00-04:00 Arch D. Robison Introduction to Writing High Performance Julia (Rm. 32-123)
01:00-02:30 Randy Zwitch Everyday Analytics and Visualization (Rm. 32-141)
02:45-04:15 Jacob Quinn Managing Data in Julia: Old Tricks, New Tricks (Rm. 32-141)
04:30-06:30 Viral B. Shah Parallel computing with Julia (Rm. 32-123)
04:30-06:30 Shashi Gowda Making GUIs with Escher.jl (Rm. 32-141)