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dc.contributor.authorEvans, J. V.
dc.contributor.authorHolt, J. M.
dc.description.abstractDuring 1973, the vertically-directed incoherent scatter radar at Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 71.5°W) was employed to measure electron density, electron and ion temperature and vertical ion velocity in the F-region over periods of 24 hours one or two times per month. The observations spanned the height interval 200-900 km approximately, and achieved a time resolution of about 30 minutes. This report presents the results of the measurements made using single long pulses in a set of contour diagrams. The behavior observed during these observations is discussed briefly in terms of the diurnal, seasonal, sunspot cycle, and magnetic disturbance variations reported previously and which now are believed to be largely understood.en_US
dc.publisherHaystack Observatoryen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMillstone Technical Reports;608
dc.titleMillstone Hill Thomson Scatter Results for 1974en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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