Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Compositional Networks Enable Systematic Generalization for Grounded Language Understanding 

      Kuo, Yen-Ling; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2021-11-07)
      Humans are remarkably flexible when under- standing new sentences that include combinations of concepts they have never encountered before. Recent work has shown that while deep networks can mimic some human language ...
    • Compositional RL Agents That Follow Language Commands in Temporal Logic 

      Kuo, Yen-Ling; Barbu, Andrei; Katz, Boris (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2021-07-19)
      We demonstrate how a reinforcement learning agent can use compositional recurrent neural net- works to learn to carry out commands specified in linear temporal logic (LTL). Our approach takes as input an LTL formula, ...
    • Deep compositional robotic planners that follow natural language commands 

      Kuo, Yen-Ling; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Computation and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), 2020-05-31)
      We demonstrate how a sampling-based robotic planner can be augmented to learn to understand a sequence of natural language commands in a continuous configuration space to move and manipu- late objects. Our approach combines ...
    • Encoding formulas as deep networks: Reinforcement learning for zero-shot execution of LTL formulas 

      Kuo, Yen-Ling; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), The Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020-10-25)
      We demonstrate a reinforcement learning agent which uses a compositional recurrent neural network that takes as input an LTL formula and determines satisfying actions. The input LTL formulas have never been seen before, ...
    • Incorporating Rich Social Interactions Into MDPs 

      Tejwani, Ravi; Kuo, Yen-Ling; Shu, Tianmin; Stankovits, Bennett; Gutfreund, Dan; e.a. (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022-02-07)
      Much of what we do as humans is engage socially with other agents, a skill that robots must also eventually possess. We demonstrate that a rich theory of social interactions originating from microso- ciology and economics ...
    • Learning a natural-language to LTL executable semantic parser for grounded robotics 

      Wang, Christopher; Ross, Candace; Kuo, Yen-Ling; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2020-11-16)
      Children acquire their native language with apparent ease by observing how language is used in context and attempting to use it themselves. They do so without laborious annotations, negative examples, or even direct ...
    • Measuring Social Biases in Grounded Vision and Language Embeddings 

      Ross, Candace; Barbu, Andrei; Katz, Boris (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT/NAACL), 2021-06-06)
      We generalize the notion of measuring social biases in word embeddings to visually grounded word embeddings. Biases are present in grounded embeddings, and indeed seem to be equally or more significant than for ungrounded ...
    • Neural Regression, Representational Similarity, Model Zoology Neural Taskonomy at Scale in Rodent Visual Cortex 

      Conwell, Colin; Mayo, David; Buice, Michael A.; Katz, Boris; Alvarez, George A.; e.a. (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), The Thirty-fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021-12-06)
      How well do deep neural networks fare as models of mouse visual cortex? A majority of research to date suggests results far more mixed than those produced in the modeling of primate visual cortex. Here, we perform a ...
    • PHASE: PHysically-grounded Abstract Social Events for Machine Social Perception 

      Netanyahu, Aviv; Shu, Tianmin; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei; Tenenbaum, Joshua B. (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021, 2021-03-19)
      The ability to perceive and reason about social interactions in the context of physical environments is core to human social intelligence and human-machine cooperation. However, no prior dataset or benchmark has ...
    • Social Interactions as Recursive MDPs 

      Tejwani, Ravi; Kuo, Yen-Ling; Shu, Tianmin; Katz, Boris; Barbu, Andrei (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2021-11-08)
      While machines and robots must interact with humans, providing them with social skills has been a largely overlooked topic. This is mostly a consequence of the fact that tasks such as navigation, command following, and ...
    • Spoken ObjectNet: A Bias-Controlled Spoken Caption Dataset 

      Palmer, Ian; Rouditchenko, Andrew; Barbu, Andrei; Katz, Boris; Glass, James (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), The 22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2021-08-30)
      Visually-grounded spoken language datasets can enable models to learn cross-modal correspon- dences with very weak supervision. However, modern audio-visual datasets contain biases that un- dermine the real-world performance ...
    • Trajectory Prediction with Linguistic Representations 

      Kuo, Yen-Ling; Huang, Xin; Barbu, Andrei; McGill, Stephen G.; Katz, Boris; e.a. (Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022-03-09)
      Language allows humans to build mental models that interpret what is happening around them resulting in more accurate long-term predictions. We present a novel trajectory prediction model that uses linguistic intermediate ...